Gina Maloney for
AZ GOP 1st Vice Chair
There is no denying the right to vote in a free and fair election is our most basic civil right. The consequences of unfair elections can result in doubts in the legitimacy of the outcome, loss of faith in the system, and reduced voter turnout. Our system of government is based upon citizen participation, but participation must come with protection. The AZGOP must maintain constant vigilance in order to protect what is most dear to our political freedom and liberty.
Our party is made of people with the same core beliefs who have aligned under the Republican banner and dedicated to advancing those beliefs. Because of the crucial role the party faithful hold, you, our GOP precinct committeeman and state committeeman, should feel connected and informed. No one should wonder what the state party is doing, has done, or plans for the future. Effective communications provide the necessary connection that we have been missing. It cannot be about promoting a chairman or an individual, but to empower and enhance the capacity of all to meet our goals of advancement for the Republican Party.
Active voter engagement is crucial to the maintenance of a long-standing democracy. Our party believes in liberty, prosperity, and restoring the American dream for all citizens. Voter outreach is a cornerstone to ensuring the preservation of American values. and the sanctity of sovereignty of our Republic.
As a party, we support increasing voter participation by prioritizing voter registration, education, and turnout. It is our responsibility to preserve America’s greatness by ensuring effective voter outreach strategies leading to winning elections.
The best message, candidates, and platform cannot make headway without the finances to break through the political noise and clutter of ideas that faces each of us daily. The role of the Arizona GOP must be to enable the best opportunity of success at the ballot box, which in turn brings success to our communities, state, and nation. Being financially capable of accomplishing this obligation will be a key element of my term as First Vice Chairman. Donors must feel a sense of security in decision-making, and trust in those who are stewards of their hard-earned dollars. It is my goal to return that trust and prove the AZGOP is worthy of support.
The conservative principles that define Republicans are far-reaching and impact our day to day life. We hold shared values in the right to determine how we earn our living, spend our money, raise and educate our children, the sanctity of life, and the proper role of government. These values include the belief that our US Constitution is the law of the land, granting us the right to worship as we choose, the entirety of the Second Amendment, and to be free of the heavy hand of a federal government that would centralize government and diminish the rights of the individual. These are the things we believe in and make the Republican Party, the Grand Ol' Party.